Salam ukhuwahfillah...

Looking back... just, how much have we changed?.... haha

This what we look like 2 year and a half......................ago

-credit :Return of Superman-

and..., this is what we look like now.

-credit:Life of High School Boys-

wow... we really have changed, ney~ I mean A LOT...
but, not really.

Someone got engaged and counting the days.
Someone just got her driver license.
Someone just came back from Japan.
Someone just got into trouble.......What?!

There are new 'minat', new life, new friends, new experience and ... 'still adding to the list'.

Along the years in maths course, we found what pure maths really are...
It will be on research we do for the advancement to increase the quality of life.
Afterall, Maths is the science of natural phenomena (haaaaa., so cliche).

Everyday is filled with amusement... if u know what I mean (angkat kening double-jerk)
Taking the Research Methodology course this sem, we hope to increase our understanding about this course, what it really means to take this course.,
Well..., I don't even remember why I chose this programme in the first place (hmm.....?). Even we had plans later on, remember that Allah is The Best Planner, He has the best plans for each one of us.

because "we're all in this 2-get-her"

 But i believe our hearts still remains the same, right girls? There is still our innocent little 'girl' right there, just there... (very random. -_-). Take care of her, will ya?

On 270216, ana join Wajadiri Johor... Alhamdulillah... We are the best among the best... It is all from the team and TP. Next, we are going to participate in Wajadiri Kebangsaan. Hope all got their Best Moments.

Actually, from the first time i join this... I have felt something deep inside me... It is not all about the pertandingan or who is the best... It is all about teamwork, setia kawan, and something in between. It is different experience everytime I join Wajadiri. You know., when suddenly you realise what it is all about on D-Day. That day, I really got a glimpse of friendship., what FRIENDS really means., when I recall those times we train together, support each other, bangun jatuh sama2., I now know how it feels to be able to eat together with you guys, both from 3 S**E and P*****M.
Can't.Really.Say.It.In.Real.Life.... uhukkkkks

because it is the latest pic I have :P


I'll miss those. Big Time.

Ana bukanlah seorang yang pndai susun kata-kata. I don't even know how to be mellow, or to be extra-friendly (tibe2 kan). I feel bad whenever I think that I will take advantage of you guys. I don't want to be that type of friend.  I just want you to know that I love you..., of course as friends..haha.., what do you think I am?!!!!

So, "new year new mission", or "new year renew mission"? Your life, you choose.

