It's Number Sense!

Have you ever heard of Number Sense? Yes? or No?
If you google "what does number sense mean", you will find many of meanings regarding this phrase. Number sense is an emerging construct that refers to a child's fluidity and flexibility with numbers and what numbers mean as well as an ability to perform mental mathematics and to look at the world and make comparisons. Other that that, number sense can be refer to an intuitive understanding of numbers, their magnitude, relationships, and how they are affected by operations.

As for me, I've never heard of it until I was in my first semester of University. We were having Introduction to Mathematics class that day, and our lecturer gave us a task. Write an essay about number sense.

I've tried ask others(member of SSCE) about their essay, unfortunately they already forgot what was their essay all about. Some of them can't even remember about writing the essay. Ahaks! So, I'm here. To re-write my essay, before it totally fade away from my memory. But, of course they way write it might be different from the previous one. As long as the story line is there, it won't matter!

Malam itu malam raya. Takbir raya kedengaran di corong radio. Di dalam sebuah bilik, kelihatan dua orang budak lelaki; seorang abang yang berusia 12 tahun dan seorang adik yang berusia 6 tahun sedang mengira duit raya. Telah terjadi satu dialog antara mereka.

Abang: Adik, abang tengok adik punya duit nipis je. Nak tukar dengan abang tak? -sambil memandang duit di tangan adik nya lalu menghulurkan duit nya kepada si adik.

Adik: Tapi duit abang semua warna biru. -sambil memandangkan ke arah duit di tangan abangnya.

Abang: Ya. Tapi duit abang tebal tauuu~.

Adik: Tak nak lah. Adik tak kisah duit nipis yang penting warna merah. Adik suka warna merah.

*Perbualan di atas adalah salah satu contoh "number sense" dalam diri seorang kanak-kanak. Si adik tahu nilai wang yang berwarna merah lebih besar daripada wang yang berwarna biru.

One day, during class, our lecturer gave us a situation to explain more about number sense. He asked one of our classmate; what will your mother do if you come home from school late from your usual time? I believe the action taken by her mother will apply to all mothers in the world because of the worried feeling. The action such as, searching her daughter in school, asking all around about her daughter presence. Probably, at the end of the day, her mother might go to police station to make a police report. This kind of situation without we notice, it is called number sense.

Number sense. It always happen in our daily life. Unfortunately, only a small numbers of us get to know what it is all about!

Menara DBKL 3
